Now that you have met Marley, meet Funke. Funke is more accepting of makeup and takes the time out to actually do it. However she usually skip foundation and blush.. I gave Funke more of a night time look, using Electroflash Odd Couple.
Now that you have met Marley, meet Funke. Funke is more accepting of makeup and takes the time out to actually do it. However she usually skip foundation and blush.. I gave Funke more of a night time look, using Electroflash Odd Couple.
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Using a flat iron tools for our hair could really gives our hair to have a very good condition all day long. It's because there's a lot of good features which maybe useful for getting a wonderful...
Review:Hana Professional Flat Iron + Plus New Hair · 12 years ago
Beauty and Fitness goes hand in hand I would say.... I share my love for Wigmaking on my Beauty blog.
she looks gorgeous?
what did she use to create this look?
I did Funke makeup and here is what I used..
Everything MAC:
Full Coverage Foundation NW50
Devil Blush (PRO)
Uh OH Plushglass
Odd Couple Mineralize Eyeshadow
NO name Brown eyeshadow
nice! signature sey sey! sey you have to put the details in the posts man! great look!
She looks stunning! Great work!
very pretty look as well I love the hair as well
she looks hot! and love the skin and hair...
thanks for the info on the products you do make up on the side? you should :)
Wow, I love that makeup look. I can’t wait to try to recreate it. Thanks!
Her hair is amazing! I love the cut.
I love the metalic accents on the inner corners of the eye. FAB!
Oh, and do you do your own eyebrows? They're flawless in your profile pic!
Sorry, the comment about the silver accents on the inner corner of the eyes was about your girl, Marley... My apologies! I commented under the wrong post...
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